15.06.24 — Journal
It’s been a while since I posted on here, with my last post going over the fact that I needed a bit of a break to rethink how I manage the decade-long project that I call my website. I’m back today with an update, and this update consists of little bit of good news and a little bit of bad news. Against conventional wisdom, I’m going to have to start with the good and end with the bad, as the conclusion I’ve come to dictates that I go through it in that order.
So, here’s the good stuff.
I think I’ve figured out a way to make my blog much more sustainable in the long term. This consists of reworking the format of posts from the current combination of text and image towards a model with less text and a more curated selection of images. While this may sound like blog posts will be less engaging, I’m excited by the challenge of packing information into smaller and more manageable paragraphs, as well as the possibilities provided by a new way of displaying photos.
Now for the bad news.
In order to make this change, I’m going to have to wait for my new website design to be ready. The new format requires higher resolution images, an entirely new post template, and other technologies that I just don’t have on my current website. This means that blog posts will most likely be on hold until the end of the year. Behind the scenes I’m doing all I can to finalise the new website design and begin technical development, but there’s still plenty to be done before I start coding.
So there’s the update. I’m excited to get back into my regular rhythm of posting with this new format, but both you and I are going to have to wait a little bit before it’s all ready to go.
As I write this, sat on a plane from Oslo to Madrid and watching a very red sun set over the west of France, I’ve had a little bit of a brainwave. In order to keep you entertained until I get the blog back up and running, I’m going to set up a new page on my blog with a comprehensive list of every blog post ever written. That way you can easily look back over the eleven years of content that’s already here. Read on to see if I’ve managed to get that up and running on time…
It turns out I have. You can find the new page here. Happy surfing!