31.10.13 — Journal
On the Prowl in Leeds
How ironic that I should be writing this post on the train on the way back from Leeds! I thought I’d take a quick look over some of my adventures around my new home, Leeds!
First up there’s me and Rhea’s couple of trips down to the market, where the fruit and vegetables are both irresistibly good and ridiculously cheap! Picked up a huge bag of my favourite apples (Pink Ladies) for just a quid! I didn’t manage to get a photo inside the amazing market but I shall do now I have a phone which actually responds when I click something.
Then there’s our campus – here’s the entrance to the Graphics building during a lovely stint of weather we’ve been having!

Anyway for now I’m heading back to Burnley for the weekend to pop into work at Burnley Youth Theatre and catch up with my family. It’ll be nice to eat a full meal and have a glass of nice cool cordial again! No rest for the wicked however, I’ve still to be getting on with my first two graphics briefs and an Art History essay – ah, the joys of student life…