25.12.15 — Journal
The Grotto
Well, of course I must begin with a wholehearted Merry Christmas to all! I hope everyone is enjoying their Bucks Fizz, Christmas Dinner and Sherry Trifle – we have a custom of throwing pizzas in the oven on Christmas Day and enjoying the customary gluttony on Boxing Day, so I am free to graze on chocolate and jelly beans and leftover takeaway – and just to generally be a layabout.
Over the past few weeks, in between sending out portfolios and finalising propositions for my Burnley Arts Council & Design Council Project, I have been transforming my usually minimal lime green room into a festive grotto!
First up I had to shuffle some furniture around to get the huge tree into a position where it would actually fit under my sloping roof, and then I spent an evening decorating the huge thing. Then, after a trip to Leeds where I stuffed bags and bags full of the cheapest decorations, tinsel and lights that I could find, I set about concealing the usual minimal aesthetic behind a layer of what my mother would call “tack”.

I am quite happy with the result, a lovely warm room (in great contrast to my usual aesthetic) which has gotten me in the festive spirit over the past few weeks! These decorations do hold a secret, however, which I shall reveal in a week or so…
Until then – ¡feliz navidad!