This site was designed on Sketch and then developed in HTML5 and CSS by myself. The content is delivered by WordPress, incorporating custom PHP actions developed with the kind help of Joseph Bonham. Certain lines of text are balanced using a plugin developed by Adobe, and code highlighting is provided by HighlightJS, with JQuery used to simplify such JavaScript actions.
The type on this website is set in a custom cut of Syne by Bonjour Monde, which I modified to add the diacritics required to properly set type in Spanish and Portuguese. It is used in regular and bold weights. The serif type across the blog section is set in Calendas Plus by Atipo Foundry, and is delivered in regular and italic styles.
All content © Ollie Briggs 2014 – 2024 unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved. All website assets (including, but not limited to the WordPress template and all derived assets) belong to Ollie Briggs and their unauthorised use or redistribution is strictly prohibited. Calendas Plus belongs to Atipo Foundry and is used here under license.
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