16.09.14 — Journal
Luisa Visits Burnley
Here’s another post I should have written a while back – almost three weeks ago, when Luisa arrived back from Germany!
I met Luisa in Leeds, where we waited for the storage company to deliver her stuff back, and then we headed back to Burnley for an evening of chills (when I was introduced to the Anaconda video…)
I thought I’d show her some of the nicer surrounding areas, and so first we hopped on the bus to Manchester, where we met Emily for some shopping and general gallivanting around the city. As graphic designers, we naturally gravitated to the Apple Store, where this happened…

We spent the rest of the day checking out the coolest places we could think of, such as Affleck’s Palace and the Royal Exchange Theatre, but then Em had to head off home so me and Luisa headed back to Burnley for an evening of snacking and watching Bridesmaids.
The next day we hopped on another bus, this time to the lovely Hebden Bridge! We visited Yorkshire Soap Company, Wood & Wire and of course the sweet shop, where I introduced Luisa to a northern classic – sarsaparilla sweets!

We also wandered along the canal and took time to feed the ducks, where we encountered the most evil-looking pigeon I have ever seen – photo taken by Luisa!

Luisa brought her camera along, so as per usual I stole it and began taking photos. I seriously need to buy myself a decent camera at some point! Here’s one of my favourites, Luisa sat looking lovely on a bench in the park!

Eventually though, I had to go back to work and Luisa had to head off to Leeds to head down south to visit Witney and London, so I’ve been back on the daily grind since! I’ll soon be back in Leeds though and with the graphics gang again – bring on £1 pizza at Belgrave!
PS: Check out Luisa’s blog here. I’ll nag her to update it.