26.01.15 — Journal
Year 2, Semester 2
A mere day after landing back in England from Copenhagen and Stockholm, I found myself back on a train with Izzy to Leeds for a marketing exam. A few days later, I’m now back in Leeds permanently once again!
Once again, as with the beginning of last semester, I was amused by the decorations which adorn Hyde Park. This ironic piece of graffiti, which I found a few blocks from my house, made me laugh.
![Hyde Park strikes again](https://olliebriggs.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/IMG_3339-1024x683.jpg)
When my dad kindly drove me over with a car full of my stuff, we picked up Luisa from our house and decided to grab some food from Five Guys after a quick shop around Aldi. Having seen many Five Guys outlets dotted around America during my trip to Florida, I had’t thought much of them, with their pretty bland red and white colour scheme and industrial.
But the food we had their was delicious! Luisa got a hamburger, my dad a cheeseburger, and I went very over-the-top in true American style and ordered a bacon cheeseburger. What we didn’t realise was that every burger they sell is a double!
With unlimited peanuts, a huge cup of chips fried in peanut oil and a soft drinks machine which dispensed approximately a million different drinks, we were well fed! Also, as the reviews adorning the walls of the eatery testified, it was all delicious.
![Bacon cheeseburger and chips from Five Guys](https://olliebriggs.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/IMG_33301-1024x769.jpg)
But as of today we are all back to the grindstone that is daily uni life. Bring on afternoons spent in the design school, curly fries in Old Bar and hours spent lost in the maze that is the Roger Stevens building.
Today we all sat in the Design Common Room to begin some light work, and our programme leader came over and dropped us a copy of the D&AD Winners Annual from last year (2014). This semester we will all be completing D&AD briefs for our core graphic design module, and it was great to have a look over past successful entries.
![D&AD New Blood 2014](https://olliebriggs.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/IMG_3340-1024x683.jpg)
Today I also began my elective module for this semester – ‘Principles of Typography’. For this module I will be researching, analysing and comparing examples of typography, and I will be keeping my blog updated with my findings and outcomes, which I will also collate on this page of my site.
For now it is time to do some work on my Behance, read over my chosen D&AD brief (all to be revealed soon), and get an early night in ready for the first workshop of the year tomorrow. Ah – it’s good to be back!