11.10.13 — Journal
Fresher’s Flu Strikes
Oh dear – I missed a day! My bad, but I’ve been feeling so ill over the past few days that I’ve only had the energy to do the bare essentials like homework, eating and sleeping. I’ve had to cancel my long awaited trip to the Royal Exchange in Manchester tonight and I’m going to have to return home at about four so that I can throw myself in bed and feel sorry for myself. Not a great end to my second week!
I thought I’d put a post in now whilst my throat isn’t on fire and my head is relatively clear (I shall still have to check this post for unforgivable typos when I’m a bit less fuzzy-headed), and then I can keep you updated. I promise not to whine about feeling ill – well not too much anyway.
I’ve decided to make the work-in-progress version of my website live for all to see, warts and all, and you can find that just by visiting this link. (Dead link removed 17/12/14) At the time of writing it’s just a menu, but I’ll be updating it regularly with the latest design tweaks and content – hell, it may even change colour.
So today I’ll just be working on finishing off my collection of 10 monograms for my first Graphic & Communication Design brief whilst sitting here listening to this catchy Spanish song that Ricardo, our Spanish tutor, put in our module handbook. Hoy puede ser un gran día…
Lastly I’m gutted to say that I didn’t get the chance to meet up with my best friend Danni last night for a night out – we’re both too sick to do anything! So for now I’ll leave you with a picture of us riding Valhalla, the wettest water ride in the world at Blackpool Pleasure Beach…