22.02.15 — Journal
Galentines & Other Adventures
In between all this uni work and typography research, I believe it’s time to kick back, grab a mug of Horlicks and reflect on the more relaxed events of the past week or so.
First thing’s first – Galentines Day. Inspired by Parks & Recreation, Galentines Day is celebrated the day before Valentines Day, and is a chance for all us singletons to come together and celebrate being single. Some keen YouTuber has put together this beautifully concise video in which Amy Poehler explains the concept more eloquently than I ever could. I have a huge crush on Amy Poehler.
Getting away from the point, we headed down to Nation Of Shopkeepers and ordered a plethora of burgers. Beth had been so kind to bring along a Galentines Day gift for us all, which turned out to be tubes of Swizzles Matlow Love Hearts. We exchanged them, sending sarcastic messages to each other in the process…

To my despair I awoke the next day to the prospect of a Valentines Day stuck in my room all day, but for the first time ever me and my housemates arranged to sit together in the living room (which we often forget that we actually have) and watch a film. The Notebook was suggested, and I agreed, presuming it would be a tacky rom com to lift our spirits.
It’s not.

The day after I decided to finally address an issue which I had sat on since I returned to Leeds after Christmas, which is that the coldness of our uninhabited house had caused most of my posters/flyers/ephemera to fall off my wall. I took the opportunity to take them all down and give the walls a good scrub. I don’t know why I felt like I needed to clean my walls. I just did. I can’t explain. Leave me be.
My room looked weird and sad without walls full of examples of graphic design…

Before long, however, I had gotten all my stuff back up and now my room is back to it’s bright, colourful self. Check out this picture from a previous post.
I also managed a trip back home to visit my doctors, but the most important part of the trip was naturally sitting for a hot chocolate with my mother and stroking the resident cat at Todmorden train station. He/she featured in a post from a while back, check it out here. Anyway, I leave you with photos of these two very important events.